What does "Nepotism" mean? Definition and Synonyms?

7 Answers

What does nepotism mean?

Nepotism is noun which means the practice of using your power and influence to give jobs to people in your family instead of to who deserve to have them.

Some of its synonyms are:

  • favoritism

  • bias

  • partiality

  • partisanship

  • patronage


Nepotism is rampant in this organization.

The teacher was accused of showing favoritism to some students.

After a long court battle, the firm was found guilty of showing bias against aging employees.

We have no partiality about choosing our leaders.

They were accused of political partisanship.

He enjoyed the patronage of many conglomerates.

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Meaning of "Nepotism" and synonyms

Nepotism is the practice of giving jobs or other favors to relatives, especially to those with less merit or qualifications than others.

Don't worry if you're the daughter of a powerful CEO; nepotism may still work in your favor. However, if you haven't truly earned the position of Vice President, people might not like you when you take office.

Synonyms for nepotism include:

  • favoritism

  • cronyism

  • partiality

It is often seen as a negative practice, as it can result in individuals being unfairly given opportunities or advantages based on their family connections rather than their abilities or qualifications.


What does "Nepotism" mean?

What does "Nepotism" mean?

Nepotism is the unfair use of power in order to get jobs or other benefits for your family or friends.

one-sided one-sidedness one-way othering partial unbalance


What does Nepotism mean?

Nepotism means having favour/preference over someone

Nepotism can usually happen in the workplace where the manager hires her friends and treats them better than other colleagues

There are other words that mean the same as Nepotism such as preferential treatment, bias, one-sidedness

Nepotism can also happen within families


The power to bring relatives or friends into jobs of influence

Why is nepotism harmful?

Nepotism is harmful to those in the work place as those who get job may not be qualified to do the job and can actually hurt the company or the workplace environment

John got a job as a Engineer from his brother Bob. John has never worked as an engineer and he kept bothering his colleagues questions about his engineering duties. In the end, John created such a toxic work environment, people began to quit.

Nepotism is not good

To conclude, nepotism isn't good for companies who don't vet their employees good enough and trusting someone who isn't qualified for the position is harmful for companies, and colleagues.


the practice among those with power or influence of favoring relatives or friends, especially by giving them jobs.




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  1. the practice among those with power or influence of favoring relatives or friends, especially by giving them jobs.

"he promised an end to corruption and nepotism"


Nepotism means the practice among with power or influence of favouring relatives or friends, especially by giving them jobs. It is an advantage, privilege or position that is granted to relatives and friends in an occupation or field.
