What does get a load of this guy mean?

13 Answers

The meaning of this phrase is as per below

This American slang denotes as follows:

Get a load of this guy, means "have a look at this man/boy" or

notice what this man/boy is doing. It also denotes surprise or exclamation, as the man/boy may be doing something shocking or controversial

Get a load of this guy used as:

Get a load of this guy playing hockey: did you see his amazing goal?

Get a load of this guy walking naked and drunk in the middle of the road

Get a load of this guy eating as much as he can in one hour to win the trophy

Get a load of this guy flirting with the other guy's wife

Used to show surprise or shock, which can denote good or bad, positive or negative.

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It means that someone is being foolish or silly. Someone would use this phrase to explain their dismay with someones words or behaviour.

When to use:

This phrase usually has a negative connotation. It refers to bad behaviour, actions and words. If something does something good, brave, or kind, this phrase is not appropriate.


  1. Steve sees a man stealing fruit at the market. Steve looks to his friend beside him, points at the thief and says, "Hey, get a load of this guy!".

  2. A man barges into a room and starts yelling and being rude to store employees. A onlooker says to himself "Wow, get a load of this guy!".


"Get a Load of this Guy" is an idiomatic expression that can either be used to acknowledge a witty remark made by another person or poke fun at the complacency of such a remark. In online discussion forums and comments, the phrase is most often iterated in the form of reaction images in which various characters are making a pointing gesture.

Since as early as 2010, the screen capture of the scene has been used as a reaction image on various imageboards, with the earliest known archived instance dating back to a 4chan thread[1] posted on August 17th, 2010.

In the following years, a number of other derivatives entered widespread usage on 4chan. On January 12th, 2011, an image macro of Patrick Bateman, better known as the Dubs Guy) from the 2000 American black comedy film American Psycho was posted in a discussion thread[4] on /a/ (anime) board. On March 31st, another iteration based on an image of Ross Geller, one of the main characters from the 90s American TV sitcom Friends, was posted in a thread[3] on /a/ (anime) board

In addition, the expression has been also used as the title of dozens of posts on Reddit and #get a load of this guy remains an active hashtag on Tumblr.



Idiomatic expression that can either be used to acknowledge a witty remark made by another person or to make fun of a silly / dumb comment they made.

When to use it

Use it in a informal context, with friends or close people.

-The president did a great job handling the coronavirus.

-Get a load of this guy!



-It's a phrase said after a person has said a foolish or dumb comment

-It's a phrase said after a person has made an interesting comment
Used to tell someone to pay attention to a person or thing that is interesting, surprising, or attractive.

Used for telling someone to look at or listen to someone or something that you think is funny or interesting.


"Hey, Get a load of this Guy!"

"Get a load of this guy" is comparable to "Check this guy out"

"Get a load of this guy" may likely be used in a situation where someone is looking, acting, or speaking foolishly in public. Or, If someone is doing something amazing that can hardly be believed.

But "Get a load of this" would likely be used when someone is pointing shocking news or new information.

IRTI - funny GIF #4450 - tags: waynes world get a load of ...get a load of this guy Blank Template - Imgflip

If you plan to use it jokingly make sure the other person was not being serious or they may take offense. Also, be sure not to use in formal settings as it should only be used humorously.

Get=Take in
A load=More information
Of this= the subject



The phrase "get a load of this guy" is metaphor. A metaphor is when a word or phrase that literally means something else is used figurative in order to describe another thing. Therefore "get a load of this guy" does not mean to get something from the person, instead it is used to tell someone to pay attention to a person or a thing that is interesting, surprising or attractive.

Some examples are:

  • He is the light of my life. - He is the person that makes me happy.

  • She is happy as a clam. - She is very happy.


Metaphorical statements is a figure of speech in which a word or phrase literally denoting one kind of object or idea is used in place of another to suggest a likeness or analogy between them.


Get a load of = Look at/ Listen to

"Get a load of this guy" means "look at this guy/listen to this guy".

This phrase is informal and is used to tell someone to pay attention to a person/thing that is interesting/funny/attractive.

For example:

  1. Get a load of this guy with the funny hat! (look at this guy)

  2. Get a load of this guy! What is he saying? (listen to this guy)

  3. Get a load of that new car! (look at)

  4. You think your desk is a mess! Get a load of mine! (look at)

  5. Get a load of satellite radio-- all music, all the time. (listen to)

  6. Get a load of that dress! (look at that dress)

Get a load of/loads of = get a lot of something

E.g. Might as well get a load of water.


Get a load of this guy.

What does it mean?

This is an expression sentences when trying to express that a person is doing something extremely out of the ordinary or if you think someone is doing something stupid.

Usage of the phrase

This is used mostly when people are being rude to other people , you could express your frustration by pointing out that it is not the best behaviour this person can show by saying "get a load of this guy" or this is used when a person is doing something silly or dangerous and you would like to point out that their action or words might not be the most intelligent thing do say or do.

The conclusion of this phrase is to express a frustration or surprise with a persons behaviour or actions.


Get a load of that guy!

slang: a colloquial way of saying "Look at them!" - drawing attention to someone

used to tell someone to pay attention to a person or thing that is interesting, surprising, or attractive:

Get a load of that, guys! Very nice.

Get a load of this guy

A phrase is said after someone says or does something extremely stupid.

It means "can you believe what this idiot just did/said?"

How to use it in daily English:

"I think there are more than two genders and communism works."


looking at my friends

"Get a load of this guy!"


used for telling someone to look at or listen to someone or something that you think is funny or interesting

Example: Get a load of that dress!


A brief History of this Phrase 'GET A LOAD OF THIS GUY!"

What's the origin of Get a Load of This Guy?

“Get a load of this guy” has been around as a slang phrase since the 1920’s, although its popularity started taking off with the approach of the new millennium.

The image macro that is the most popularly used with the phrase originates from the 1992 comedy, Wayne’s World, where the protagonist looks at the camera while articulating the words “get a load of this guy”.

The expression was first defined on Urban Dictionary in 2007.

Spread and Usage

How did Get a Load of This Guy spread?

Following 2010, the meme would appear on sites like 4chan and Reddit, paired with iconic pop culture references, usually characters of classic movies or series.

“Get a load of this guy” is a well-liked hashtag on Tumblr up to this date, as of March 31st, 2021.




  • This is a slang phrase.

  • used to tell someone to pay attention to a person or thing that is interesting, surprising, or attractive

"Get a load of this guy" in a sentence:

Can you get a load of this guy I met online? He is so hilarious!

When to use "Get a load of this guy"?

It's common to use the expression “Get a load of this guy” after making a joke or making fun of someone who's trying to be droll.

Phrase said after someone says or does something extremely foolish.

It means "can you believe what this guy just did/said?"


Get a load of this guy mean

Can be describe in many ways

As per phrase to describe someone who thinks he/she has a lot of clams, and is therefore exceptionally witty, jaunty, and/or extravagant

Phrase said after someone says or does something extremely stupid.

It means "can you believe what this idiot just did/said?"

-I think there are more than two genders and communism works.


*looking at my friends*


It is concluded as doing something stupid, idiot.

Get a load of this guy is an idiomatic expression used for pointing out the wits of someone after a humorous remark, or making fun of them after attempting to be droll.

Online, the phrase is usually combined with some sort of reaction image, depicting someone who is pointing while talking


Hey! look at that beautiful thing! is the other way of saying this.

The expression 'Get a load of this guy or simply 'get a load of something or someone is commonly used when you want to tell someone to pay attention to something you find captivating. There are different ways to push someone to look in the direction we think is interesting, one of which is the heading of this response.

Getting the attention of someone isn't that easy.

As a matter of fact, the expression 'hey, look at that!' or 'can you see that?' don't have that strong conviction that would lure someone to the spot where we're pointing. But aided with this expression, the person will automatically look at the pointed spot. If we are to narrow down this expression in its simplest form, it's the shortest way of saying 'hey, can you see that beautiful sight? What a lovely view!'.

For example,

You are in the beach along with your friends and a group of attractive people captured your attention. This of course is a scene you'd like to share with your friends, who are quite busy tapping their phones for an instance. In order to get their attention all at once, you'd say 'Hey, guys! get a load of those creatures!'. And without a doubt, they will look to the direction you are trying to point at.

In short, this expression is very useful when

you want to compel someone to look at something interesting at one call only or effortlessly.


What does one mean when they say, 'Get a load of this guy!'?

Can you believe this person?

It is an expression one uses when one cannot believe what they are seeing or hearing. It is usually to gather sympathy in a group setting when one feels exasperated or frustrated with someone else.

For example

Someone has taken your book in class and is adamant that it is theirs. You look at the cover and see your name written on the front, proving it is your book and not theirs. You look around and see some classmates watching the ordeal and exclaim,

"Get a load of this guy!"

One uses it in frustration or exasperation
