What does "future reference" mean? How to use it?

5 Answers

What does future reference mean?

The term "future reference" is used quite commonly in English conversation, especially when you are giving someone information to use at a later time.

Let's look at the two words to better understand.

Future means a time that hasn't happened yet.

Reference means a source of information, usually used to better understand something.

Since the future is uncertain, there is no way to know exactly what information may be important, however, future reference indicates means that IF you run into a situation in the future, this is the information you need to know.

Examples and practical use

Let's look at a few examples of how to use the term " future reference". We almost always need to include the preposition "for" before "future reference".

Example 1- Situation: Your friend has washed the dishes and asks you to put away the cups as they do not know where they belong. You put away the cups but may respond with the following:

For future reference, the cups go in the cupboard beside the sink.

Example 2- Situation: Your boss is conducting your annual employee review. He may reference a project that you worked on that could use improvement. He might say:

In the future, I think using a Powerpoint presentation may better represent the targets and initiatives that we wish to achieve.

To which you may reply: Thanks, I will remember that for future reference.

Future reference should almost always be preceded by the preposition "for" and can be used to convey that it is information that may helpful for the future.

Using "future reference" properly in conversation or writing is quite simple as long as you remember the preposition "for" always comes directly before the term, and it is often placed at the beginning or end of a sentence. It simply means information to remember for a future situation.

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Saved for future

Business use, Memory enhancement

While this Business Plan does not work for us presently, we may keep it for future reference
and use it later.

Business apprach

While a future refence may not only apply to business applications, it is also used in academics as a means to revisit a concept at a later


What is the meaning about "future reference"

"future reference" means about some information that you can keep it or save it for your use which is practical for your future.


Making notes for collecting more vocabulary are useful for future reference in your learning journey.


What does "for future reference" mean?


"For future reference" is a phrase that is used to indicate that something is being mentioned or discussed for the purpose of providing information or guidance that may be useful in the future.


The phrase is often used to provide context or background information that may be helpful to remember or refer back to at a later time.

It is used to indicate that the information is going to be useful to you in the future. You don't need to know it right now, but you would like to know it for future situations.

It is often used in written and spoken Business English.


Person 1: "I'm sorry, but we don't allow pets in the office."

Person 2: "Oh, I didn't know that. Thanks for letting me know. For future reference, is it okay to bring my service dog?"

Person 1: "Yes, service dogs are allowed. Thanks for asking. For future reference, service dogs must be identified as such with a vest or other identifying marker."


Here are some more example sentences featuring the phrase "for future reference":

  • "For future reference, the company's preferred method of communication is email."

  • "Thanks for explaining the process. For future reference, do I need to fill out this form every time I request time off?"

  • "For future reference, the office is open from 9am to 5pm, Monday through Friday."

  • "Thanks for reminding me of the deadline. For future reference, is it okay to send you a reminder a week in advance?"

  • "For future reference, all new hires must complete the onboarding process before their first day of work."


Now you know the meaning of the phrase "for future reference", write a welcome email to a new employee at your company.

In the email, provide them with some important information that they will need in the future, for example: information about the company's holiday policy.

Use the phrase "for future reference" in the email.


"Future reference" is a term that refers to the use or purpose of something in the future.

Here is a more detailed answer:

"Future reference" is a term that refers to the use or purpose of something in the future. It is often used in a professional or business context to indicate that something is being kept or saved for future use or consideration. For example, a document or piece of information might be saved for future reference, meaning that it will be used or accessed at a later time. The term can also be used more broadly to refer to anything that might be useful or relevant in the future, such as a skill or piece of knowledge.

Here are a few usage examples to help you better understand this expression:

  • "We'll keep this report on file for future reference."

  • "I made a note of her phone number for future reference."

  • "I'm saving this article for future reference – I think it might come in handy later."

  • "I'm learning this software for future reference – it's a useful skill to have."

Here are a few multiple choice questions to help you practice using this expression:

  1. What does the term "future reference" refer to?

    a) The use or purpose of something in the future

    b) The use or purpose of something in the present

    c) The use or purpose of something in the past

    d) None of the above

Answer: a) The use or purpose of something in the future

  1. In which context is the term "future reference" typically used?

    a) In a personal or casual setting

    b) In a formal or professional setting

    c) In a historical or academic setting

    d) All of the above

Answer: b) In a formal or professional setting

  1. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the term "future reference"?

    a) Used to indicate that something is being kept or saved for future use or consideration

    b) Used to refer to anything that might be useful or relevant in the future

    c) Used to refer to the past

    d) Used to refer to the present

Answer: c) Used to refer to the past

  1. Can the term "future reference" be used to refer to anything that might be useful or relevant in the future?

    a) Yes

    b) No

Answer: a) Yes


"Future reference" is a term that refers to the use or purpose of something in the future. It is often used in a professional or business context to indicate that something is being kept or saved for future use or consideration. The term can also be used more broadly to refer to anything that might be useful or relevant in the future, such as a skill or piece of knowledge.
