What does tbd mean?

28 Answers

"TBD" is phrase, often seen in text messaging, scheduling, or any other typed/written communications.

It means "to be determined", which means that the final result of something will be disclosed at a later date or time. Basically it means the same as "I will tell you later.".

⎧1⎭Friend: Well, we all figured out we want to try the new pasta place, but what time will we all meet up?

Me: TBD, I don't know everyone's availability.

⎧2⎭Sometimes sports teams will have game schedules with the opponent's name, date, time and location listed as well. If they do not know the location of the game you will probably see "TBD" in that column. Below for a visual representation.

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TBD= To Be Determined.

It is used to indicate that the time or location of something has not yet been decided and will be announced at a later date.

Where would I be likely to see TBD?

You would see TBD in an internal memo in a business, school, organization or suchlike.

The course on Advanced Excel will take place sometime in the summer. Specifics TBD.


What does "tbd" mean?

"tbd" is an abbreviation

"tbd" means "To Be Discussed"

It is often used in emails, messages or Whatsapp. Like many abbreviations, "tbd" is informal and better be used with people we know (colleagues, friends, family.


I think to be determined means to never give up on something you believe is good and healthy for those around you. To be determined is to always stand for what you believe in and to do everything possible to do it. To be determined when being in the lowest of times in your life means having resilience which is a character so important for the world we live in. It shows that you will never give up and always stand up when being knocked down.

Mental Strength

Mental strength plays an important role in being determined, you are willing to keep pushing even when things aren’t going your way. It means to have goals and stick by them no matter how bad the outcome looks or how negative it gets. To be in the right mind set and having that mental strength is the biggest weapon you can have in a storm during your life . Mental health is critical when it comes to being determined as this is what drives you to never give up.

When losing a sports match and being the one person that motivates your teammates to not give up no matter how bad it’s going. To be there for a friend that’s giving up in life and just reminding him/her to not give up and to keep pushing.

To be determined is key

The biggest determination doesn’t come from around you it comes from within you . You must be willing to push yourself to the limits to not give up and to keep doing the best you can no matter how negative the world is.


This is texting language and would not be acceptable in a more formal setting such as in academic writing or a business setting.

Depending on the context of the conversation, tbd could have been shortened from the phrase 'to be discussed', or, 'to be decided'.


What does TBD mean?

TBD means To Be Determined in short hand abbreviation

Whether scheduling something and you don't know the time or date, you can use TBD

TBD is to be determined. If you don't know the date or time, you can write TBD since the time and date is unknown or not yet determined.

Because the concert was postponed because of COVID, the organizers decided that they will have future dates of the concerts and will likely TBD at a future time.


tbd is an acronym that means to be decided.







The next season for our favorite movie has been announced, but the release date is tbd.

It is common to see this in places like the job, or a business.


It means to be determined — used to indicate that the time or place of something has not yet been decided and will be announced at a later time.


It means to be determined — used to indicate that the time or place of something has not yet been decided and will be announced at a later time.

The math class has been postponed until next week, time TBD.


to be determined



TBD means the time or place of something happening is to be determined later it is not know now or it is not certain now .

Examples of TBD

The ladies meeting is next Friday , venue and time to be determined.

We are visiting our sick mother next week the day is yet to be determined by all sisters .

When there is no enough information

TBD is often used when someone does not have full information or the other details . They may know time but not the day or the place . What they do not know will be TBD .



To be determined

This simply is a phrase that means a person hasn't chosen a certain thing and wants to do so in the future. Usually a name

The name of the project at the shipping center is TBD


To be determined or To be decided (TBD)

TBD is an acronym that means to be determined or to be decided.


You may come across the phrase 'to be determined / decided' (TBD) when a decision has not been made about something, if the precise details, outcome or end of a story is still unknown or will still unfold in the future.

Examples of the use of TBD

We often see this acronym on event notices or calendars when the location of a meeting or event has not been decided.

TBD is also used in business communication when exact details have not yet been decided. For example, a company may decided that work will be done but the company may not yet know who they will assign to manage the work or project. In such a case, they might write 'project manager tbd'.

TBD may also be used at the end of a story in writing and a person telling a story may end a story by saying that the outcome is still 'to be determined'.


In English, we don't use this acronym and term every day, but it is most often used in business communication and the planning of events.


TBD is...

an abbreviation in English that means "to be determined" or "to be decided". It is a very common acronym used by many to express something that has not yet been decided.


"The time is TBD, I'll let you know when the meeting will start."

In this example, the speaker is informing that the time is to be determined or decided so the listener should be aware and wait for the time to be decided.

Another Meaning to the Acronym "TBD"

  1. To Be Developed

  2. To Be Discussed

  3. To Be Done

  4. To be Deleted

  5. To be Detailed


"TBD" means "to be determined." It is often used in the planning process.

The date of the party is TBD.

Timing in using TBD

So, when you aren't sure about the date, or other specific details for your upcoming event, just put "TBD" to table it for future discussion.



tbd is an acronym for "to be determined". In other words, to be announced.

When do we use?

We use this term when some information still needs to be confirmed, for example the time, place, attendees/host, etc.

We will have a short meeting next week, day and time TBD.

Can I only use this in business environment?

No, you can use this in general English too.


TBD is an acronym for To Be Determined 

It is used to indicate that the time or place of something has not yet been decided and will be announced at a later time

Other meanings

To Be Defined

To Be Decided

To Be Done

Tie to Break Down

To Be Developed

To Be Discussed

Example of To Be Decided - TBD

The game has been postponed until next week, time TBD.


it means to be determined it is actually an acronym

to be determined

DEFINITION: “TBA” and “TBD” mean “to be announced” and “to be determined,” respectively. These terms are used broadly in event planning; they indicate that although something is expected to happen, a particular aspect of that, such as place and time, remains to be confirmed.


What Does TBD Mean?

TBD means "To Be Decided" or "To Be Determined." It is a placeholder term, likeTBC(to be confirmed) andTBA(to be announced). TBD is typically used in event planning to let readers know that a location or timing is currently unknown.

Examples of TBD in Sentences

Here are examples of TBD being used in conversations:

  • Tony: The party venue is TBD at the moment.

  • Jordan: Ok, I'll wait for details.

  • Tony: What time is the band playing?

  • Jordan: I don't know yet, it's TBD.



TBD = To be decided / To be determined

TBD is an abbreviation used to express that something is yet to be agreed upon or finalized. It's often used in business context, particularly in writing (i.e. email, presentation slides).


  1. The final presentation date is TBD.

  2. Often used in timelines / table form:

    Project Milestone

    Planned Start Date

    Planned End Date

    Requirements Gathering

    1 May 2022

    15 May 2022

    Socialization with stakeholders

    15 May 2022



Let's Abbreviate!


To be determined or To be decided


Next week's meeting is TBD on Friday.

The wedding date is TBD.

The show on Monday is TBD

used to indicate that the time or place of something has not yet been decided and will be announced at a later time


What Does TBD Mean?

TBD means "To Be Decided" or "To Be Determined." It is a placeholder term, like TBC(to be confirmed) and TBA(to be announced). TBD is typically used in event planning to let readers know that a location or timing is currently unknown.


Acronym for "To Be Determined". Commonly used in business.

Should we close this deal or not, we're not sure yet right?
Answer: TBD

The lecture will be on March 6, location TBD.

The party venue is TBD at the moment.

The election results are still TBD.


TBD means to be determined.


It is used to show that the details eg. time and place, have not yet been decided and will be announced at a later stage.


The venue for next week's meeting is still TBD.


TBD means to be determined. We use this acronym to say that something hasn't been decided yet.

When will you see/ hear it.

TBD is commonly used in text, e-mails, and speaking but not in formal writing.


Person 1: Hey when are you going to visit your family?

Person 2: That's still TBD. I have a lot of work to do right now and don't know when I'll finish it.


TBD - an Abbreviation

To be determined

Meaning of TBD in English

(also TBD)

written abbreviation for to be decided or to be determined:

used when something has not yet been decided or is not yet known:


The lecture will be on March 6, location TBD.

More examples

We suggest $50k per month, plus options and reasonable expenses, TBD. (As always, we'll work out the exact figures and the billing later.)

Operating in tbd cities across India, each location will customise meals to suit local tastes.

The cost is $50, and the venue TBD.


TBD is a phrase you might see in the professional scene or just in every day life online or on a document.

TBD is an acronym:



This could be written on anything when the outcome or decision is not known or decided.

Example: You and your friends have plans to do something outside and it rains so your activity has to be postponed. While you discuss when to reschedule for, you could write that the date is TBD - meaning you do not know what date you will reschedule for yet.


to be determined


“TBA” and “TBD” mean “to be announced” and “to be determined,” respectively. These terms are used broadly in event planning; they indicate that although something is expected to happen, a particular aspect of that, such as place and time, remains to be confirmed.

TBD means "To Be Decided" or "To Be Determined." It is a placeholder term, like TBC (to be confirmed) and TBA (to be announced).

What is TBD in dating?

o be determined or decided. 'the time is TBD, but we're going to assume it will fall around 7 p.m.' 'Date is TBD, although probably May sometime. ' 'It will be released in the fall, date TBD.


TBD is an abbreviation. ( An abbreviation is shortened form of a word or phrase.)

The Abbreviation: "tbd" means : to be determined.

Example 1: The meeting has been postponed until next week, time TBD.

Example 2: It is still tbd when the schools will re-open.

Usually used to indicate something that is currently unknown but is expected to be known in the future.


Written language

Used in written language


TBD is used to indicate that the time or place of something has not yet been decided and will be announced at a later time.

Examples and usage

Meaning of TBD in English. written abbreviation for to be decided or to be determined: used when something has not yet been decided or is not yet known:

The lecture will be on March 6, location TBD.

We suggest $50k per month, plus options and reasonable expenses, TBD.


I think TBD means - To be discussed in other words you are still going to talk about it or planning on talking about it.

Answer 1: This is an abbreviation often meaning in ordinary writing "to be discussed", "to be done", "to be defined", "to be decided", "to be determined"

We will discuss your child's needs regarding reading practice.

We will talk about what you should all bring to the party so that no one brings the same thing.


You will still be discussing or talking about a certain subject or topic in the near future or future.
