worse vs worst what is the difference?

34 Answers

What is the difference between worse and worst and when to use them?

Worse - comparative

Worst - superlative


  • Used as a comparative adjective or adverb.

  • This word is used to compare two or more items and choose which one is not the best option.

  • It can also be used to describe something that you disagree with instead of something else.

Example 1:


Fruit vs Candy

Which form of sugar is bad for the body, fruit or candy? Well, it's a known fact that the sugar in candy is worse than the sugar in fruit.

Example 2:


Which outfit should I wear on my date tonight, Lilly? Hmmm, well I think the blue is boring but the orange dress is worse so I would definitely choose the pink outfit. The pink is the best you'll look great!


  • This word is also used as an adjective or adverb in the superlative context.

  • This means the extreme of bad, terrible, or horrible.

  • That something is as bad as it can get - there is nothing that can get worse.

Example 1:


Ants vs Cockroaches

In my opinion, cockroaches are the worst insect to have in your home!

Example 2:


Don't steal the jewelry or money! You will get into big trouble, or worse even go to jail. Jail is the worst thing that can happen to you!

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Worst vs Worse

Worst vs Worse is something that many non-native speakers get confused with, as are many comparative and superlative adjectives.

Comparative vs Superlative

A comparative adjective describes something in relation to something else, worse is a comparative adjective.

eg. I bruised my arm yesterday and it hurt but it is worse today, I have to go to the doctor.

A superlative is the most extreme form of the adjective. Worst is a superlative.

eg. There are many foods I don't like but durian is the worst.

More examples

Comparative : I think that The Hunger Games is worse than Squid Game.

Superlative : Have you seen Racket Boys? Don't bother it's the worst show on Netflix.

Comparative :

LV is more expensive than Calvin Klein.

Superlative : Burberry is the most expensive fashion brand.

Using comparatives and superlatives

So in short if something is the most extreme use the superlative but if you just want to say it is more or less than something else use the comparative.

The image below shows three adjectives, taller is the comparative and tallest is the superlative.


Worse and worst are very similar sounding, and are very similar in meaning. They both mean that something is bad. The difference is the degree or strength of the word. The scale starts with bad, then worse, and last is worst. (The inverse or opposite meanings are on a similar scale; good, better, and best)

So if something is bad, it’s something we don’t like, it makes us unhappy, it’s a problem. Something that is worse is even more of a bad thing, it makes us even more unhappy, an even bigger problem. And something that is worst is the most bad, it will make us the most unhappy, it’s the biggest problem, it has the strongest meaning.

An example: I came to work late, that was bad. Then my car was towed away, that was worse. Then I was fired from my job, that was the worst thing that happened today!

A side note, sometimes people want to add another worse after the first worse. That’s ok, but we don’t say “worser”. That is not proper grammar. If you want to add another worse, we can say “worse still”

For example: I came to work late, that was bad. Then my car was towed away, that was worse. Then I was fired from my job, that was worse still! But the worst thing that happened today was that my house burned down!

In both examples, a bad thing is something we don’t like, but in these examples it wasn’t very serious. Something that’s worse is more serious, more upsetting, more of a problem. The worst thing is the most serious, the biggest problem.


Is it better to be Worse or to be the Worst?


What are the differences between the 2 words?

Both words = used for comparative sentences.

So, if they are both used to make comparisons,

WHY use




Because one is superlative!












Examples: (comparative using than)


He performed a worse job than three other students on the test.

job = NOUN worse modifies the noun


He performed worse than the other two workers on the jobsite.

performed = VERB

worse modifies the verb


His performance was okay this time, but the teacher knew there had been worse.

worse = acts as a NOUN (representing the calibre of performance)



Examples: (comparative in essence but superlative by usage)


There were a few students whose performed immpecably, sadly there was one who performed worst.

performed = the verb and worst modifies the adverb


When I saw the grades I began to fear the worst.

worst = noun which is introduced by the definite article the


I know I performed okay but there is hope because I know I was worsted by at least a couple students!

worsted = the verb (in the past tense)


  • Q: Is it better to be worse off or the worst off?

  • A. It is better to be worse off. WHY? Because worst a superlative!



To INDICATE that something is beyond WORSE think of WORST as like a SUPER sort of WORSE!





good- better- the best 👍👍👍

bad- worse- the worst 👎👎👎

My test mark is BAD- I got 70/100 😂😂😂

My sister's test mark is WORSE THAN mine- she got 75/ 100 😏😏😏

My brother's mark is THE WORST of all- he got 50/100 😮😮😮


  • A is worse than B- compare TWO things or people

  • C the worst of ALL/ in the world- compare C with many


WORSE is the comparative form of BAD/ BADLY

I swim badly, but you swim worse than me.

THE WORST is the superlative form of BAD/ BADLY

A quote for you:

Nothing is worse than a bad day. And the worst peace is better than the best war❤


The words 'worse' and 'worst' have different meanings but are also similar in context.

'worst' is the more extreme and final version of the word 'worse'


  • adjective: poorer quality,

  • adverb: not as good


  • adjective: poorest quality

  • adverb: the least good


  • I had a worse day today than I did yesterday / Today was not as good as yesterday was.

  • I did worse in my test today than I did in my test last week / I did better in my test last week than I did in my test today.


  • I ate the worst cake today / I ate the least delicious cake today.

  • It was the worst weather for a run / I ran in the least desirable weather today.


Let's look at the differences between these two words. On the surface, it may appear obvious. However, once we look a little closer, you'll see that there are more differences hiding under the surface.

Worse - meaning

We usually use worse as a comparative adjective when comparing two things. The purpose is to say that one thing is not as good as, or of lower quality, badness, or standard than, something else.


Getting wet is worse than being late.

Worst - meaning

Worst is used as a comparative superlative. Superlatives always compare more than two things. The purpose here is to say that everything else is better than this thing. That this thing is of the lowest standard, badness, or quality.


We thought the first half of the game was bad, but the worst was still to come.

Worse - parts of speech

  1. Noun

You think that's bad, but I have seen far worse.
  1. Adjective

Things just got worse after they got home.
  1. Adverb

I did much worse on my exam than my brother.

Worst - parts of speech

  1. Noun

Breaking up on Valentine's Day is the worst.
  1. Adjective

That must be the worst news I heard all week.
  1. Adverb

They hired the worst qualified person for the job.
  1. Verb - Defeat

The best team in the league got worsted two weeks in a row by a much weaker team.

Many words in English sound the same, they can even have similar meaning, however, the purpose and the usage cannot be the same, just like say and tell. Many people cannot feel the difference between the two. However, they cannot be used in the same context, even they have similar meaning.

This is a similar situation with worse and worst

What is the difference?

First of all, I need to point out that both words have similar meaning, because they come from the same word: the adjective BAD.

If we apply the rules for the comparison of the adjectives on the word BAD, we have the following:






the worst



the best

So, worse is the comparative form of the adjective bad.

We use it when we want to compare two things, For example:

The boys are worse than girls.

As we can see from this example, we are comparing a group of boys with a group of girls.

Worst, on the other hand, is used if we want to say that something is inferior to multiple other things, 'the most bad' among many, not only two.

All the bugs are bad, however the mosquitos are the worst because I need to scratch for a long time, after they bit me.


Comparative and superlative of bad

The meaning of worse and worst

Worse is the comparative of bad. It means something of poorer quality or lower standard; more unpleasant.

Worst is the superlative of bad. It means something of the poorest quality or lowest standard; worse than any other person or thing of a similar kind.

Examples with worse

The interview was much worse than he had expected.

The crisis was getting worse and worse.

Could things get any worse?

Examples with worst
It's not the worst idea I've ever heard.

What's the worst thing that could happen?

Irregular comparatives and superlatives

Irregular comparatives and superlatives in English need special attention to memorise.


Worse and Worst

Definition of Worse

Worse is an Adjective (comparative) where you compare two things, what they were like before and now. Worse is the comparative of Bad, and worst is the superlative adjective of Bad, and it compares three or more things.


Today, the weather is worse than yesterday. It is raining so much!!!

This is the worst smell I have smelled in my life!!!! YUCKKKK!!!!

:( :(( :(((


Bad Worse Worst

So, on a scale of bad things, bad is the lowest in intensity, then worse which is higher in intensity, and finally, worst which is the highest in intensity.


Comparative and Superlative adjectives

Worse and worst are the comparative and superlative forms of the adjective bad.

Worse is an adjective but can be used as an adverb and a noun. Worse should be used to compare two things (comparative adjective)

The term worst, is commonly used as the superlative adjective or noun of ill or bad. Worst should be used to state that one thing is inferior to multiple other things.

The soup is bad but the bread is worse

The patient is worse today than yesterday

This is the worst day of my life

Worse comes to worst, I will quit my job


One easy trick to remember when to use worst vs. worse is, keep in mind that worst is the least good option


The difference between worse and worst

worse-the not as good as it used to be

worst- the furthest thing from good

example sentences

The weather is much worse than it has been this entire year,the rain just will not stop coming down!

The food at this restaurant has only become worse with the years.

This beach is much worse than I remember ,it is so dirty now!

This is the worst apartment we have looked at yet ! The windows are broken and the rent is very high

This is the worst grade you have ever received,did you not study?

We are living in the worst area,the crime rate is extremely high!

These words are different degrees of the word 'bad'


"Bad" is an adjective to describe a noun. For example, a bad driver, or bad weather. If you want to compare nouns regarding how bad they are the adjective change its form to "worse" when you compare 2 items and "the worst" when you compare one noun with many other nouns.

For example, The food in restaurant A is bad. The food in restaurant B is worse than the food in restaurant A. ("worse + than" when you compare 2 items).

When you compare one item with others it is called the "Superlative" form of Adjective. For example, Restaurant B is the worst restaurant in town. (The + Worst + noun) One restaurant is being compared with many others in town.

Remember adjectives like "Bad and Good" change their form to "worse, better" (comparative, 2 item comparison) and "the worst and the best" (superlative, comparing one with many) other adjectives depending on the number of syllables get "-er" or more + adj, for comparative and -est or the + most + adjective for superlative. :)


Worse Vs. Worst

Bad : adjective

Worse: bad's comparative adjective

Worst : bad's superlative adjective

comparative Vs. Superlative adjectives

comparative adjectives:

fast > faster

slow > slower

if it is a long adjective, then add " more" instead of "er"

beautiful > more beautiful

expensive > more expensive


superlative adjectives:

fast > THE fastEST

slow > THE slowEST

if it is a long adjective, then add " the most" instead of "----est"

beautiful > the most beautiful

expensive > the most expensive


some adjectives can be IRREGULAR and should be memorised:

good > better > the best
bad > worse > the worst


Although worst and worst sound similar, they have different meanings. One is the comparative, another is the superlative of bad.

The difference

Adjectives have comparatives and superlatives. Generally er is used at the end of a comparative adjective and est at the end of a superlative adjective. However, being bad an irregular adjective does not follow this rule.

Worse it is used to compare two objects. And it is emphasized that one is more "bad" than the other.

The worst talks about the one that has more that characteristic among several options.


The coffee in the new cafeteria is worse than the one we always go to.

This is the worst cake I have ever eaten.


It is not correct to say "more bad/ more worse" or "the most bad/ the most worst"


Worse vs Worst

Which one should you use?

Comparative adjectives vs Superlative Adjectives

Worse and worst are both adjectives meaning that something is bad. The difference is that worse is comparing 2 or more things (comparative adjective), while worst is saying that there is nothing lower in the "bad" ranking (superlative adjective).

I can't believe you're test score was worse than mine.

Both scores are bad, but the other person's test score was even lower.

This is the worst pizza in the city.

There is no other pizza that tastes as bad is this one.

In conclusion

Both of their meanings is bad, just the way we use them are different


comparative vs. superlative

'worse' and 'worst' are the comparative and superlative forms of the adjective 'bad' and the adverb 'badly'

Every adjective and adverb can be used to compare two or more things.

To compare two things, the comparative is used.

When there are three or more things and an extreme is being pointed out, then the superlative is used.


comparative 'worse'

Dan got a 4.5 score and Dom a 2.5 score.

(Adjective) Dan's exam result was bad but Dom's exam result was worse.

(Adverb) Dan scored badly, but Dom scored worse.

superlative 'the worst'

Den scored 1.5.

(Adjective) Den's exam result was the worst.

(Adverb) Den scored (the) worst in the exam.


The superlative adjective 'the worst' is always preceded by 'the'.

The superlative adverb '(the) worst' does not always need 'the' before it.


Worse vs Worst Meaning:
Worse means "more bad" usually when comparing more than one person, place, or thing.

Worst means "the most bad" or" the most bad something get be".

When to use:

Use 'worse' when comparing objects, persons, places, or things. To explain that one is more bad, awful, or negative in any way.

Use 'worst' when describing something that is the most awful, or the most negative. It is not comparable to another.


The new Star Wars film is worse then the new one.

The new Disney movie is the worst!

Steve: Well, class today was worse than class yesterday.

Kate: Class today was the worst, I didn't learn anything.


worse vs worst

worse or worst ??

worse is the comparative form of the adjective bad whereas worst is the superlative.

-worse is used with "than"

it is a comparson with just 2 things

-worst must begin with "the"

it is a comparison of 1 thing to all the others

-your handwriting is worse than mine.

-your handwriting is the worst in the class.

  • the movie titanic is worse than harry potter.

  • titanic is the worst movie ever. It has the most depressing plot that I have ever watched. I regret watching it

"worse than" vs "the worst"

worse is the comparative and the worst is the superlative of the adjective bad


Worse vs Worst

Worse is used to describe how bad something is between two things. "Laundry is worse than doing the dishes."

Worst is used to describe how bad something is between more than two things and the amount is not described.
"Doing laundry is the worst thing in the world to do."

Worse is used to describe how bad something is between two things. "Laundry is worse than doing the dishes."

Worst is used to describe how bad something is between more than two things and the amount is not described.
"Doing laundry is the worst thing in the world to do."

Worse is used to describe how bad something is between two things. "Laundry is worse than doing the dishes."

Worst is used to describe how bad something is between more than two things and the amount is not described.
"Doing laundry is the worst thing in the world to do."

Worse is used to describe how bad something is between two things. "Laundry is worse than doing the dishes."

Worst is used to describe how bad something is between more than two things and the amount is not described.
"Doing laundry is the worst thing in the world to do."


Worse Vs Worst


This is a negative context word stating a poor or bad condition of something such a physical item or a situation literal and figuratively speaking

What is the Difference?


This simply means something in a comparative context, example comparing something, someone or a situation to another

Example: My day is 10 times worse than yours!


This word is also used a in a comparative context negative tone describing the a highest or worst degree of a situation, someone or something

Example : You had a bad a day but I had the worst day ever!


The words worse can be used in both negative and positive context in comparison to situations and circumstances

Example - Positive Context Worst - What could be the worst that could happen?

Example Positive context - Worse - I am grateful that my situation did not become worse / I am hopeful that my situation will not get any worse!


Worse vs Worst

These are comparative and superlative adjectives used to compare something or to indicate how it is different.

Bad - worse - worst

The comparative form of bad is worse and superlative form is worst

  • Worse is used to compare 2 or more items

  • Worst is used to compare it to everything else in the group or list, so - worst is "extremely bad"


This hotel is worse than the one we went to yesterday (it is being compared to another hotel)

This is the worst hotel I've ever been to (It is the being compared to all the hotels he/she has been to)


"Comparative and superlatives" can also be called "degrees of comparison"


We often compare things by adding -er or -est at the end of the word. Worse and can also be used to compare.

The English test is worse than the Math test, but the Science test is worse.

Worse or Worst is an adjective. Worse is the comparative form of better while worst is the superlative form. Worse is used when directly comparing two or more things, and worst is used to describe something that is "most bad". For example; The English test is worse than the Math test, but the Science test is worse.

We often use worse and worst adjectives to describe a situation or how bad something is. They can be used to describe a noun or an adverb to describe another adjective.


This concept can be a little confusing. But as long as you know the difference between words like bigger and biggest or smaller and smallest, it will be easy for you.

Answer to your question.

The difference between worse and worst is the extent.

Worst means "most bad," while worse is comparative.


Worst: The Fubon Guardians are the worst team in the CPBL.

Worse: The Wei Chuan Dragons are worse than the Rakuten Monkeys.


Worse simply means one is "more bad" than the other. In other words, it is comparative but not to the extreme. Worst means a certain thing is the "most bad" at something.

More bad-->Worse

Most bad-->Worst


They are both comparative adjective used to describe noun.

worse : compare two items

worst : compare a group of three or more items

Sentence Pattern

to be worse than -> A is worse than B

to be the worst -> A is the worst (of/among all the items involved)



  • Peter got a worse final exam score than Sally.

  • Peter's final score was worse than Sally's.


  • Peter got the worst exam score in the entire class.

  • Peter's final exam score was the worst in the entire class.

Key things:

  • they both describe nouns

  • worse + THAN | THE + worse


"Worse" vs "Worst"

When and how do we use these words in a correct sentence structure?

Worse vs Worst adjective meanings:

Comparative and Superlative Adjectives...

Comparative: used to compare differences between two objects.

Superlative: takes the comparison of nouns to the highest degree, usually compares three or more nouns.

Worse (comparative adjective) is defined as lower quality or lower standard.

Worst (superlative adjective) is defined as the lowest quality or lowest standard.


  1. No one told worse jokes than Dan.

  2. Her manners are even worse than her brother's.

  3. It's the worst food I've ever had!

  4. She is the worst violinist I know.

  5. His singing is the worst ever.


Difference Between WORSE And WORST.

  1. Worse is a comparative adjective, and we use it when we compare TWO things.

For example:

  • The second book in the series was worse than the first one.

We often use worse in these structures:

  • A is worse than B.

  • A is bad, and B is worse.

  • Something is getting worse (becoming “more bad” compared to how it was before)

We can say “even worse” to add extra emphasis to how bad the second thing is.

  1. WORST

Worst is a superlative adjective, used when we compare something to MULTIPLE other things.

Let’s look at some examples:

  • He is the worst player on the team.

  • That’s the worst movie I’ve ever seen.

  • worst of all = This is the worst thing in a series of bad things
    Our flight was delayed and our luggage was lost. Worst of all, it rained the entire time we were on vacation.


Worse is used when comparing two things and worst is used when comparing multiple things.

Worse and worst is used to described how bad something is.


What's the differences between "worse" and "worst"?
How to use them in a sentence correctly?

First we need to understand that "worse" + "worst" are from the same root "bad"

"worse" is what we call "comparatives"

since we cannot add -er to bad (bad(d)er doesn't make any sense)

so we change the word to "worse"

When we are comparing 2 things that are bad but we know one of them is not as good as the other, we use "worse".

Now, there's a "super" level when using adjectives to describe things in English.

That's known as the "superlative"

Normally, we add -est to words such as tall --> tallest

but we cannot do the same to bad (bad(d)est.. it sounds like a slang)

"worst" because the superlative form of bad.

When we know something is the NO.1 BAD in a group of bad things. We use "worst."

Comparative: worse

example sentence structure: A is worse than B.

We can say: The alpha variant of COVID-19 is worse than omicron.

Superlative: worst

example sentence: X is the worst.

We can say: Raining days are the worst. (optional: I hate it.)

Make sure you use "than" when you use worse and don't forget to put "the" before worst!


Worse and Worst Difference

Worse & The Worst

These are comparative and superlative forms of BAD

Why are they so different than their original: Bad?

"Bad" is an irregular adjective, which means that it does not obey the rules of additions such as -er / -est or more/most.

It directly changes the shape.

We can call it "A Rebel in between the adjectives" if you want, as it is not the only one.

Others are:

*good (better, the best),

*far (farther/further, the farthest/the furthest)

*litte (less, the least)

*many (more, the most)


"X" was a bad movie.

"Z" movie was worse than "X" movie

"W" movie was the worst (ever!)

So if we put them in order;

1st one (X) being the bad movie and the last being soooooo much more than all of those (It gets the 1st place between all bad movies)

X ..



Movie "W" wins the 1st place and noone wants to watch it ever :D


Worse describes something that is of lower quality than something else

. It is used to compare two things with each other. Worst describes something that is of the lowest quality of a group of three of more things.

"Worse" vs. "worst". What is the difference? - ProWritingAid

https://prowritingaid.com › grammar ›

Worse and worst are the comparative and superlative forms of the adjective bad. · Worse should be used to compare two things.

What's the difference between worst and worse?

Remember that worse is used to compare two things, such as "now" and "before," while worst compares three or more things. You might use worse than yesterday, but this doesn't make it the worst cold you ever had.

Which is correct worse case or worst case?

The proper english indicates it should read “Worst-case scenario”. However the vocal sound is “Worse-case scenario”.


It's all about comparing things.

This bag is big, but the other bag is bigger.

This book is bad. 📕

This book 📗is worse than the other book 📕.

However, THIS book is THE worst. 📘


Comparatives vs. Superlatives

A comparative compares 2 things. 📕vs.📘


The purple book is better than the blue book.

My dad is taller than me.

Australia is bigger than England.

A superlative says that ONE thing is different from all others.📚vs.📙

It is the biggest, the smallest, the best, the worst, the tallest.

It will be singled out as different from all others in the group.


The orange book is the best.

My dad is the tallest person in our family.

Russia is the biggest country.

The adjective 'bad'.

You can say one thing is bad. 👎

The comparative is to say. One thing is worse than another thing.👎👎

The superlative is to say. One thing is the worst, 👎👎👎👎compared to all others in the group.


Degrees of comparison: Worse / Worst


Describing something that was bad but has progressed to an even more negative situation.


Third degree of comparison whereby something is in the most extreme condition.


The heavy rains in South Africa grew worse, causing many to lose their houses.

The monsoon we had this year was the worst compared to all other monsoons we've had in the past years.


Using these two words implies different states of bad condition, using worse implies that it is being compared to something and worst displays he highest level of bad in relation to that matter.


Most adjectives can be modified using the suffixes, '-er', and '-est', or by adding 'more/less and the most/the least', before the adjective when making comparisons. For example, "Emma is kinder than Becky. Emma is the kindest girl in our class". Here, we compare how kind two girls are, deciding that Emma is more kind/kinder than Becky, we then decide that Emma is probably the kindest/the most kind girl in our class. An example using a 3 syllable adjective is, "John is more intelligent than Steve, but Amy is the most intelligent person in our class". Here because intelligent has 2 or more syllables, we can not add the suffixes '-er/-est', so we add 'more or less/the most or the least' before the adjective.

Worse / The worst

Some adjective are irregular and as such, don't follow the same rules as most other adjectives. Most adjectives follow this pattern
hot - hotter - the hottest / pretty - prettier - the prettiest / beautiful - more beautiful - the most beautiful / famous - less famous - the least famous

However, words such as far, good, and many are irregular. These words when comparing things, are used as such;
far - further - the furthest / good - better - the best / many - more - the most.
Here, we can see that it is possible for the word to only change one letter, or change completely. Here is another example or two.
"The supermarket is far from here. The post office is further than the supermarket. I think the furthest place I regularly go to would be the gym." or "Eating a little bit of chocolate is good for you. Eating salad is better for you than chocolate. Eating a balanced diet that includes appropriate amounts of each food group is the best food plan for you."

Worse / The worst are the comparative and superlative terms for the adjective 'bad'. Bad - worse - the worst.
"I feel bad that none of us got Amy a birthday cake." - Steve

"I feel worse than you do, I told her I would throw a party, but I forgot"-Jo
"I feel the worst, she's my sister. I'm going to have to listen to her cry all night because her room is next to mine". - Amy's brother, Tom.

More examples:-
"Tom is a worse driver than Mary", Peter said. "I agree", muttered Sue, "Tom is the worst driver I have ever seen". .

Cats are worse than dogs at protecting the house from intruders.
However, cats are not as bad as rabbits. Rabbits are the worst pet to protect a house.

"How did they put the worst singers through to next stage of the singing competition?" - Dotty
"They make better TV entertainment. They have to put some bad singers on TV, otherwise it will just be the best singers, and that's not very funny". - Henry

"I understand, but it isn't fair. His singing was worse than her singing, but he moved to the next stage, and she got sent home. Even thought she is better!" - Dotty

"Please help me do my taxes, last year, Sean made a mess of them. He's really bad with anything related to numbers". - Kate
"Yes he is, but he's not as bad as you are. You're far worse than Sean when it comes to things like paying your taxes" - Penny
"That's what I thought too, but after I saw how many mistakes he made the last time....I think he might just be the worst person at doing them". - Kate

Dale is a ______ chef than John, but I think Terry is ____ _______ chef in the entire class.

Peter's behaviour was very bad today! Though I must admit he wasn't ____ ________ behaved student. Luke's and Charlie's behaviour was _______ than Peter's, and Jade's behaviour was absolutely ____ _____ in the entire school. She's almost reaching the level of expulsion!

Easy guide to use worse/the worst well.

Use worse when comparing 2 people or 2 things, and always follow it with the word than.

The carrot cake tasted worse than the chocolate cake.
A tiger is a worse pet than a rabbit.

Use the worst when declaring that someone or something is the 'most bad' at something. Ensure to add 'the' before worst, "the worst".

Emma is the worst dancer.
The spaghetti carbonara is the worst dish on the menu.


Worse or worst - that is the question....

Many students find this a challenge, and many students get this wrong when deciding which to use.

Which is correct?

Both should be used as a superlative adjective.


Worse should be used to compare two things -

This food is bad, but it could be worse.

I did worse than Bob in the test.

Here you are comparing two things, stating that one is worse than the other.

If you are comparing how bad 2 things are, then use worse.... However, ...


Here you identify which is the worst -

This food is the worst.

I got the worst test score in the exam.

Here you are saying which specific thing is the worst.

If you are saying which specific one is bad, then use worst.
