AmazingTalker teacher reviews shared by 153 online Emotional Healing teachers
Average online teaching income: US$11,523/month
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Monthly income from teaching or mentoring
31 Days
Days to increase revenue from US$4,500 to US$6,000
Thoughts on earning a high-income badge and on teaching
I am extremely pleased and appreciative of the opportunity. It has been a great learning lesson recently, understanding my own abilities, the needs of the students, and knowing that true Belief in oneself can take one along the path that one wants move forward in.
Advice for teachers who want to reach this income
Value oneself, self-understanding, listen and really get to know the student, give the best of yourself, but also give oneself that same value as well.
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Monthly income from teaching or mentoring
31 Days
Days to increase revenue from US$3,000 to US$4,500
Thoughts on earning a high-income badge and on teaching
I feel a deep sense of gratification for being acknowledged for my efforts. I am very happy to be of valuable service for my students.
Advice for teachers who want to reach this income
Never give up no matter what present circumstances may present to you. You are a success in the making so long as you believe it to be true.
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Monthly income from teaching or mentoring
122 Days
Days to increase revenue from US$3,000 to US$4,500
Thoughts on earning a high-income badge and on teaching
Iā€™m extremely grateful for this opportunity and the wonderful students that attend class and are passionate to learn. Itā€™s a team effort
Advice for teachers who want to reach this income
Keep a focused passion, let go of distractions, attend to student needs, and teach what is passionate for you. Itā€™ll show, and students appreciate it
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Monthly income from teaching or mentoring
31 Days
Days to increase revenue from US$1,500 to US$3,000
Thoughts on earning a high-income badge and on teaching
I am very grateful that the platform has recognized my hard work and dedication to teaching on Amazing Talker. I hope to pass my mentor training and grow a team that I can inspire to do the same.
Advice for teachers who want to reach this income
Ensure lessons are well planned and tailored to exactly what each individual needs. One size does not fit all. Ensure students are motivated with praise and effective feedback.
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Monthly income from teaching or mentoring
30 Days
Days to increase revenue from US$1,500 to US$3,000
Thoughts on earning a high-income badge and on teaching
I feel as though all the hard work has paid off and that if you are persistent you can achieve any milestone :)
Advice for teachers who want to reach this income
I would say you are doing great right now, even if you are not earning what you want to be earning. Carry on with providing excellent education and materials to your students and a lesson plan goes a long way
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Become an AmazingTalker Teacher
Use your language skills and earn more than 3000$ from the comfort of your home.
Monthly income from teaching or mentoring
31 Days
Days to increase revenue from US$1,500 to US$3,000
Thoughts on earning a high-income badge and on teaching
Wow thanks for all the experiencer from Amazing talker. It was so hard but It works! I didn't expect to reah 4.1% teacher ever! thanks all
Advice for teachers who want to reach this income
Find good mentee. Don't waste time for unwilling mentee. find mentee someone who really want it. teaching skill isimporatant. but technical talent also important
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Monthly income from teaching or mentoring
31 Days
Days to increase revenue from US$1,500 to US$3,000
Thoughts on earning a high-income badge and on teaching
:) I am very happy to have made this accomplishment. It did take me longer than I wanted but I am still glad I got to this level!
Advice for teachers who want to reach this income
Just work hard and try your best to give back value and be likable. Be friendly as well as a teacher who is caring. happy April fool
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Monthly income from teaching or mentoring
31 Days
Days to increase revenue from US$1,500 to US$3,000
Thoughts on earning a high-income badge and on teaching
I'm very proud that I received this badge because I worked so hard to get it. Also, I would like to thank the team and mentor for helping me put on the badge. I will continue to study and work harder.
Advice for teachers who want to reach this income
First of all, I think bonding with students is important. I think it is important not only to do classes, but also to get close to students and help them feel more comfortable in class.
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Monthly income from teaching or mentoring
28 Days
Days to increase revenue from US$1,500 to US$3,000
Thoughts on earning a high-income badge and on teaching
I feel very grateful for Amazing Talker and everyone who has assisted me in making this great accomplishment. I feel a great sense of achievement and will continue to work hard to bring further success for myself and others.
Advice for teachers who want to reach this income
Always be willing to make sacrifices for your students. Make adjustments. But never compromise your own sense of proper duty. A good teacher is a dime in a dozen. But a great teacher are few and and hard to come by.
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Monthly income from teaching or mentoring
61 Days
Days to increase revenue from US$1,500 to US$3,000
Thoughts on earning a high-income badge and on teaching
Keep your remarks brief. ... Don't use notes. ... Give a nod to the organizers. ... Establish a personal connection. ... Be genuine. ... ... Mention the organization's goals. ...
Advice for teachers who want to reach this income
But reality does strike us at some point or the other to teach us the harsh lessons of life like the value of hard work. These days people talk about smart work VS hard work and yes smart work is very good when you know how to use it but it is not and cannot become a substitute for the hard work one has to do to achieve oneā€™s goals. It is essential to put the required working hours to work towards your aspirations and become successful thus this is why hard work is a precious and valuable trait.
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A beautiful story of learing Emotional Healing
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Become an online teacher

Earn greater income with more freedom


Set your own prices

You can choose your hourly rate. As opposed to other platforms there is no upper limit to what you can charge. Courses are divided into trial lessons and 25 & 50-minute standard lessons


Be your own boss

Choose your own schedule. Set your availability to the times that best suit you with no set minimum. Input your weekly availability and students can choose time slots that work for them.


Work from home flexibility

As long as you have a stable internet connection and a computer with a microphone & webcam you can work from your preferred location anywhere in the world.

We are recruiting more tutors. Interested in joining us?

Here are the traits of our ideal tutors. Does this sound like you?

1. You're fluent in Emotional Healing

You have a degree in Emotional Healing or a similar degree, or are a native Emotional Healing speaker yourself.

2. You have Emotional Healing teaching experience

You have experience in 1-on-1 Emotional Healing tutoring or related classroom experience.

3. You want to be your own boss

You want to set your own work schedule & be in charge of your earnings.

4. You're passionate about teaching

As a tutor with AmazingTalker, you can work with students of all ages and from all over. Join us and start sharing your knowledge today!

Job vacancies: Emotional Healing teachers
There are currently openings for online tutors of 134 languages and other subjects
  • Online Emotional Healing Tutors

    Ideal candidates have experience in teaching Emotional Healing or testing, or relevant experience as a tutor or lecturer.

  • Mindfulness Practice Tutors

    Ideal candidates have experience in teaching Mindfulness Practice or testing, or relevant experience as a tutor or lecturer.

  • Tarot Reading Tutors

    Ideal candidates have experience in teaching Tarot Reading or testing, or relevant experience as a tutor or lecturer.

  • Mindful Yoga Tutors

    Ideal candidates have experience in teaching Mindful Yoga or testing, or relevant experience as a tutor or lecturer.

  • Human Design Tutors

    Ideal candidates have experience in teaching Human Design or testing, or relevant experience as a tutor or lecturer.

  • Pet Communication Tutors

    Ideal candidates have experience in teaching Pet Communication or testing, or relevant experience as a tutor or lecturer.

  • Astrology Tutors

    Ideal candidates have experience in teaching Astrology or testing, or relevant experience as a tutor or lecturer.

  • Chinese Astrology Tutors

    Ideal candidates have experience in teaching Chinese Astrology or testing, or relevant experience as a tutor or lecturer.

  • Feng Shui Tutors

    Ideal candidates have experience in teaching Feng Shui or testing, or relevant experience as a tutor or lecturer.

How do I teach online with AmazingTalker?
Get matched with students by our platform

You will be matched with students based on their needs and your expertise. You'll be able to message them and pitch yourself.

Connect with students before the lesson

Via our messaging system you can ask students about their needs and tell them how you can uniquely help them.

Log on and start teaching

At the time of the lesson, you can log into your 1-on-1 virtual classroom via Zoom.

Students' tutoring requests
Students submit a request outlining their learning goals. From there, the learners get matched with tutors who best fit their needs. See sample requests below.

Establish good communication with parents (if teaching children) to periodically inform them about the progress of their child.Planning lessons with achievable targets.Focusing on individual student's strength and requirements.

Mindful Yoga

Planning lessons with achievable targets.Utilize various teaching materials and approaches to suit student's level of understanding.Share your knowledge and expertise in Emotional Healing.

Tarot Reading

Schedule and carry out customized lessons in Emotional Healing.Explain topics with relatable examples for quick grasping of the topics being discussed.Ensure friendly and interactive way of learning that will encourage students to learn with passion.

Human Design

Explain topics with relatable examples for quick grasping of the topics being discussed.Assisting students reach their study goals by guiding them in their study.Scheduling lessons with individual students or small study groups. Tutoring students Emotional Healing.

Mindfulness Practice

Plan, prepare and deliver lessons on a one-to-one basis.Explain material to students utilizing a variety of learning strategies.Use diversified tutoring methods to ensure student's engagement.

Mindfulness Practice
Support and resources for our tutors
How AmazingTalker supports tutors
Automatic matching with students
AmazingTalker provides an automated matchmaking service that matches students with suitable tutors according to the teacherā€™s background and the studentā€™s learning needs. When students browse tutors, your tutor profile will also appear in the search results at no cost.
A variety of training resources
As a tutor, you'll receive a full range of video training resources to help familiarize you with how our platform works, how to get the most out of it, and build a student base.
Join a teacher's group or create your own
AmazingTalker is dedicated to fostering a caring and supportive platform for tutors. New tutors can express interest in joining a teacherā€™s group, and get support in dealing with any obstacles in their path and help in achieving their goals.
AmazingTalker tutor testimonials
Explore the possibilities of teaching
French Tutor
"I'm developing my own business in online teaching!" For Lionel, itā€™s important to have independence in teaching, design classes the way he wants, and have the flexibility to take on more or fewer classes depending on his schedule.
English Teacher
ā€What I love about teaching is meeting new, interesting people every dayā€¦ and helping them as much as I can.ā€ For Alex, AmazingTalker allows him to see the results of his work and teach with greater freedom than other online teaching platforms. ā€œSeeing students so appreciative and grateful of the advice and help youā€™ve given to themā€”itā€™s a fantastic feeling when they achieve the goal they have, and send you a message saying, ā€˜Hey I passed my IELTS and got the grade I wanted-thank you so much!ā€™ā€
English teacher and Youtuber
"AT gives me the opportunity to do the things I love and turn it into my career." Ricky was a well-known cram school teacher, but he didn't want his career and personal life being restricted by the cram school schedule. "I think AmazingTalker is a fantastic platform because it lets me do the things I love and turn it into a career."
Q1ļ¼šWhat are the requirements to be an online Emotional Healing tutor on AmazingTalker? Can it be my part-time job?

If you have Emotional Healing teaching experience, we encourage you to apply as a tutor on AmazingTalker. Even if you have a full-time job or other obligations, you can take on lessons and earn additional income according to your schedule and availability.
Q2ļ¼šDo I need to prepare my own teaching materials?

Yes. At AmazingTalker we believe that tutoring is most effective when it is customized for students' learning goals. Hence, teachers prepare their own teaching materials.
Q3ļ¼šAfter becoming a tutor of Emotional Healing on AmazingTalker, how do I decide on prices for my lessons?

Our Emotional Healing teachers have different approaches to setting their tutoring fees. According to our data, most Emotional Healing teachers charge US$15ā€“28 per 50 minute private lesson, and US$6ā€“10 per 25 minute trial lesson. If you're accepted as a tutor at AmazingTalker, we will provide you with additional guidance on how to set your tutoring fees.
Q4ļ¼šHow do I apply for leave? And how is it granted?

Students can generally book lessons up to 24 hours in advance. If you or your student wishes to cancel a scheduled lesson, cancellations need to be made at least 12 hours in advance.
Q5ļ¼šHow does payment work, and how do I receive payment?

All tutors with AmazingTalker are paid on a monthly basis.
Once a lesson is successfully completed, your tutoring fees will be accrued to your income balance. Payments are made on the 2nd of every month, and you have the option of using PayPal, TransferWise or Payoneer to receive payment.
Q6ļ¼šWhat costs apply to my tutoring earnings?

A variable fee applies to the hourly rates you set, which helps support the cost of running the platform and attracting new students. Please note that the fee decreases as you earn more. Please refer to our income calculation guidelines for more details.
Q7ļ¼šWhat if I have more questions?

Our help center page linked here should have answers to most of your questions. If you can't find the answer to your question via the help center, you can contact us here using the red question mark (?) icon on the bottom right of your screen.

Are you ready to start your tutoring career?

Apply now to become one of our Emotional Healing tutors!

Earn greater income with more
freedom on AmazingTalker.

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