What does "IDC" mean?

10 Answers

IDC stands for "I Don't Care".

Here is a detailed answer:

IDC is an abbreviation that stands for "I Don't Care". It is a phrase that is commonly used to express a lack of interest or concern about something. IDC is often used as a casual, informal way to show disinterest or disregard for something.

Here are usage examples to help you better understand this expression:

  • "I don't feel like going out tonight. IDC what everyone else is doing."

  • "I don't know what you're talking about. IDC."

  • "IDC what you think. I'm going to do what I want."

Here are a few multiple choice questions to help you practice using this expression:

  1. What does IDC stand for?

    a) I Don't Care

    b) I Do Care

    c) Indecisive

    d) Independent

Answer: a) I Don't Care

  1. Is IDC a formal or informal phrase?

    a) Formal

    b) Informal

Answer: b) Informal

  1. Can IDC be used to show disinterest or disregard for something? a) Yes

    b) No

Answer: a) Yes

  1. Is IDC often used in casual conversation?

    a) Yes

    b) No

Answer: a) Yes


IDC is a commonly used abbreviation that stands for "I Don't Care". It is an informal phrase that is used to show a lack of interest or concern about something. IDC is often used in casual conversation and can be used to express disinterest or disregard for something.

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What does "IDC" mean?

Definition of "IDC"

IDC is an abbreviation for "I don't care". It is often used in text messages to express that you don't give much thought to the topic that the other person is talking to you about.

What is an abbreviation?

An abbreviation is a shortened word or phrase. Other abbreviations include "IDK" ( I don't know ) and "ILY" (I love you)


What does IDC mean?

IDC in a text message

"IDC" in a text message is short-text for "I don't care."

Depending on the situation this can be aggressive or non-aggressive

Examples in a sentence

Aggressive: "IDC where we go to dinner, I am hungry now!"

Non-aggressive: "IDC what we do tonight, it is your choice :)"


In conclusion, "IDC" means "I don't care" it differs in tone with the context it is used in.



Question: What does "IDC" mean?

an acronym for - I don't care.

short for - I do not care.

Idc about him anymore.

Idc if he likes it or not.

Idc - I don't mind.

It is an acronym commonly used in informal conversation.


IDC is texting slang for 'I don't care'

Why? Because IDC is an acronym!

An acronym is a slang word made up of the first letters of other words. English uses a lot of texting slang and there is always new slang coming out

Lol = Laughing Out Loud
IDK = I Don't Know
IDC = I Don't Care

Text slang is easy!

Just like lol took the first letters of laughing (L), out (O), and loud (L), to create LOL, IDC takes the first letters of I (I), don't (D), care (C) to create IDC.


IDC is used when saying I don't care, usually in text.

I don't care!

IDC if you want to eat pizza everyday, it's delicious, but not healthy for you.

IDC is used when texting mostly or when writing an email to express ones thoughts in short terms.


The acronym IDC stands for I Don't Care in a text phrase.


IDC what anyone says. I refuse to change my mind.

Polite or Rude?

It can be construed as being quite rude, so be careful to use it unless you are chatting to a close friend and giving your opinion about something.


What does idc mean? idc is a common acronym for I Don't Care. People often use this in text messaging to shorten the written text.

idc - I Don't Care

Text messaging, summaries

idc is used mostly by people texting on the go and people who are rushed to complete an online message or text.



Idc stand for I don't care.

It's mostly used when texting.

You can practice by writing a dialogue between 2 people and use Idc. Then message me and I'll correct you.

If you have any questions, send me a message.


Idc means I don't care. It is mainly used in messaging and social media. Along with that, idk is alike. Someone can actually say idk and idc which is common.

How do you use it in a sentence?

  • "Olivia, you haven't done your homework and its 8:00pm at night. You should be in bed!"

  • "Idc mom!"
